What is the difference between soft and hard bounce emails?

Difference between soft bounces and hard bounces in email marketing :

  1. Hard Bounces:
    • Permanent Failure: A hard bounce occurs when an email cannot be delivered for permanent reasons.
    • Causes:
      • Invalid Email Address: The recipient’s email address doesn’t exist or is misspelled.
      • Non-Existent Domain: The email domain (e.g., @example.com) doesn’t exist.
      • Blocked by Server: The recipient’s server refuses to accept emails.
    • Action: Remove hard bounce addresses from your list to maintain sender reputation.
  2. Soft Bounces:
    • Temporary Failure: A soft bounce happens due to temporary reasons.
    • Causes:
      • Inbox Full: The recipient’s inbox is full, preventing email delivery.
      • Large Email File: If the email attachment is too large, it might bounce temporarily.
      • Server Issues: Transient server problems can cause soft bounces.
    • Action: Monitor soft bounces; if recurring, consider removing those addresses.

Remember, hard bounces are permanent, while soft bounces may resolve themselves over time. Keeping an eye on both types helps maintain email deliverability !