Difference between automated and smart bidding strategy


Automated bidding: – It involves using algorithms and automated systems to manage bids in real-time. The primary goal of automated bidding is to optimize bids for maximum clicks or conversions at the lowest possible cost. This approach is based on historical performance data and relies on pre-set rules and parameters. Automated bidding strategies typically include maximum and minimum bids, as well as bid adjustments based on factors such as location, time of day, and device type.

Smart bidding:- It uses machine learning algorithms to make real-time bid adjustments based on a range of factors beyond just historical performance data. Smart bidding strategies can take into account a wide range of signals, including user intent, demographics, and other contextual factors. The goal of smart bidding is to maximize conversion value while achieving a target cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), or other performance metrics.