Elementor Header & Footer Builder is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create customized headers and footers for your website using the Elementor page builder. Here are the key features of this plugin:

  • The Elementor editor provides flexibility to design beautiful header and footer sections. You can create unique and eye-catching designs using its drag-and-drop interface.
  • You can choose specific target locations to display your custom header and footer. For example, you can set a header template to appear only on the homepage or the blog archive page.

To create a custom header or footer using Elementor Header & Footer Builder:

  • Go to Plugins and install Elementor Header & Footer Builder and then activate it.
  • Go to Appearance > Elementor Header & Footer Builder.
  • open Elementor Header and Footer
  • Click on ‘Add New’ to create a new template.
  • Choose the type of template (header, footer, or block).
  • Set its display location and user roles.
  • Design your section using edit with Elementor option.
  • Save your changes, and you’re done.