Explain app engagement and app pre-registration Conclusion.

Ans:- In mobile app marketing, app engagement and app pre-registration are two related ideas that are used to increase user engagement and adoption of mobile apps.

The degree of contact and activity that users have within a mobile app is referred to as app engagement. High app engagement usually means that users are actively utilising and benefiting from the app, which may lead to higher user retention and loyalty. Metrics such as session time, frequency of usage, in-app purchases, and social sharing may be used to quantify app engagement.
App pre-registration is a marketing approach used to build excitement and interest in a mobile app before its official release. App pre-registration allows users to sign up ahead of time to get alerts when the app is ready for download. This may assist to generate excitement and anticipation for the app while also providing useful data and insights into user interest and behaviour.

App developers may establish a virtuous cycle of user adoption and engagement by combining app engagement with app pre-registration. Developers may attract early adopters and cultivate a base of engaged users by creating hype and anticipation for an app through pre-registration. These early adopters can then contribute feedback and word-of-mouth advertising, assisting in driving additional adoption and engagement among a larger audience.

App engagement and pre-registration may be pushed via social media, email campaigns, influencer marketing, and mobile advertising, among other channels. App analytics tools may also be used by developers to track and optimise engagement and pre-registration marketing, as well as to assess the impact on app downloads and use.