facebook ads account structure

An effective Facebook campaign structure should have a number of campaigns with varied objectives, each with its own set of ad sets and targeting and bidding tactics. Furthermore, each ad set should have a range of ad formats. For those of you who are new to Facebook marketing or are having trouble understanding what we’re talking about, here’s a quick rundown of the Facebook ads account structure.


Facebook ads are online advertisements that are generated and published on the Facebook platform with the intention of being targeted at its users. Facebook advertisements are a type of display ad that is only visible to Facebook users who have been targeted using the platform’s targeting capabilities.


The campaign, ad sets, and advertising are the three tiers of a Facebook structure. At the campaign level, you define your campaign’s overall goal. Your ad sets are the sections of your campaign where you divide it into groups depending on budget, targeting, placements, and bids. The final stage is where you develop your creative format options for each ad set, which is where you create your advertising.


Consider your campaign to be the cornerstone of your advertisement. When you decide to run an ad, you’ll always start with the campaign. Here, you’ll choose an advertising objective, such as Promote Your Page, website traffic and so on, which defines what you want your ad to achieve.

2) AD SET:

An ad set tells your ad how to run. Using Facebook’s targeting choices, you’ll build an audience for your ad at the ad set level. You’ll choose things like geography, gender, age, and more to define your target audience. You’ll also select a budget for your ad and a schedule for it, as well as decide on placements. Remember that a campaign might have numerous ad sets, each with its own targeting, scheduling, and budgeting choices.

3) AD:

Your ad is what your customers or audience will see. You’ll choose the creative for your ad at the ad level, which could include photos, videos, text, and a Call to Action button.


To run a Facebook ad, you’ll need three things: a campaign, an ad set, and an ad. The campaign structure is made up of these components. Knowing how they work together will help your ads run the way you want, and reach the right people.

Facebook Ads is a terrific platform for businesses to advertise on since you can obtain immediate website traffic and sometimes even immediate results! However, most Ads accounts require time, work, and continual administration to properly build out and achieve the best results. Yes, the influence on your ROI may occur much faster than with SEO, but it will still require some patience. If you are struggling to get the results you deserve from your business Facebook Ads account, feel free to call or mail ODMT for assistance.