how do google ads work

Google processes 63,000 searches each second, and Google advertising appears on the majority of search results pages. Google advertisements, which are paid for by businesses, can be an exceptionally successful means of sending relevant, qualified visitors to your website at precisely the right time, when people are searching for the items or services your company provides. In this article, we will dive into what google ads are and how google ads work.


Google AdWords is a pay-per-click online advertising network that allows businesses to place ads on Google’s search results page. Businesses pay to have their advertising appear at the top of the search results page based on the keywords they want to target.


Your ad is shown to potential leads or customers who are interested in your product or service through Google Ads. Advertisers make bids on search phrases, or keywords, and the winning bids appear at the top of search results pages, on YouTube videos, or on relevant websites, depending on the sort of ad campaign chosen. Your ability to develop successful and high-performing Google Ads is influenced by a number of things.

Depending on what position you hold, it can have significant impacts on the amount of traffic you get. Ad Rank, a Google-created metric, is used to determine where your advertising will appear. The following are the most important criteria for determining ad rank:

Bid amount: greater bids result in better rankings. However, placing a high bid isn’t enough.

Auction-time ad quality: quality score.

Context of search: related to your ads, such as location, device, and time. Is your ad the best option, logically, given each person’s background and your existing offering?

Ad extension impact: how big of a difference do your ad extensions make? More is always better. CTRs with a higher value will have a greater impact.

You’ll need to maximise your Quality Score and bid amount to “win” the Google Ads auctions and see your Google ads appear for relevant keywords. Your ad will be better positioned if your Quality Score is higher than your bid amount. The quality score is made of 3 distinctive points. They are click through rate, ad relevance and landing page experience. Your Quality Score is influenced by the following elements.

Your Google ad’s relevancy to the search query.

The Google keyword’s relevancy to your ad group.

The ad’s relevancy to the landing page.

The ad’s and its ad group’s historical click-through rate (CTR).

Overall account performance in the past.

Understanding the factors that go into determining how much each click costs you is crucial to operating a successful AdWords campaign.

Keyword competition is fierce.

Bid position and maximum bid.

Your monthly budgets on average.

Click-through rate.

The quality score of your keywords.

Your clicks and final acquisition costs will be lower if your quality score is better.


Google Ads may be used by both large and small businesses. When properly handled, it’s a cost-effective method of advertising that may target qualified, in-market prospects.

  1. Understanding the ins and outs of paid search, bidding methods, keyword research, account structure, and so on is crucial to make Google Ads work for you.
  2. Calculate how much you can spend on each campaign, create a daily budget, and keep track of your spending.
  3. Conduct keyword research and place larger bids on phrase and precise keywords to receive more relevant clicks.
  4. Make sure your advertising are relevant and attractive enough for people to click on them.
  5. A/B tests can help you improve your landing pages by allowing you to try out several variations of a page.
  6. To reinforce your brand, try remarketing.