facebook business page

People will be able to find and interact with your brand more easily if you have a Facebook Business Page. Many businesses and organisations now use Facebook Pages instead of having their own websites or as another means to communicate with their customers. You can use a Page to share basic information about your company on Facebook. You can invite people to like your Page and share posts and updates with them after you’ve built it. Anyone who enjoys the Page can post comments, ask questions, and more. It’s simple to set up a Facebook Business Page. In no time, you can have your company’s Page up and running by following the simple approach outlined below.


  1. People who already have personal profiles are the only ones who can build and administer Business Pages. So, first and foremost, get into your Facebook account. After you’ve logged in, go to the left-hand menu and select “Pages,” then “+ Create New Page.
  2. Then add your company name, up to three categories, and a brief bio. As you enter information, the Page Preview screen should update in real time. Click “Create Page” after you’re finished.
  3. Then, for your new Facebook Business Page, create a profile and a cover photo.
  4. Your profile photo is the image that appears next to your business name on your Page if you’re not familiar with these terms. It should have a resolution of 170 × 170 pixels. The image that spans the top of your Page and should be 1640 x 856 pixels is your cover photo.
  5. For their profile photo, most businesses choose a logo or another recognised image. Your cover photo should reflect your company’s mission and/or concept. Make sure it’s a high-quality image that matches your brand. Click “Save” when you’re finished editing your profile and cover photos.
  6. Add your company’s information so that potential clients can immediately find your address, website, contact information, and hours of operation, etc..
  7. The simplest way to do this is to go to the top of your Page and select the grey “Manage” icon. Then, on the next screen, scroll down to the “Set Your Page Up for Success” menu. Simply expand the “Provide Info and Preferences” area to add more information.
  8. Don’t forget to include an action button and a username! Click your account icon in the top right corner of your screen to set your username, also known as your Page’s URL. In the drop-down box, select “Settings & Privacy,” then “Settings.” Choose a unique username for your Page by clicking “Edit” in the username area.
  9. Your Facebook business page is now ready. You can invite your friends to follow it.


Facebook is a social network, so be social. Follow Pages that are similar to yours. Comment on their posts and like them. Create an online community for your company. We at ODMT can help you manage your Facebook Business Page in addition to your other social media accounts that are aligned to meet your social media marketing goals. Feel free to reach out to us.