facebook pixels

If you’re using Facebook ads, there’s one feature you should start using to get the most out of your social ad budget: the Facebook pixel. One of the most appealing features of social media advertising is the opportunity to precisely test, track, optimise, and target your ads. The Facebook pixel is a data-gathering tool that can help you optimise your Facebook and Instagram ads. In this article, we will see how to create a Facebook Pixel. Follow the steps below to create a Facebook Pixel.


Facebook pixel, a piece of JavaScript code that allows you to measure, you to measure, optimize, and create an audience for your campaign. This is the foundation of almost all successful Facebook ads. It also allows you to market to those who interact with their website and to create a lookalike audience after the pixel has tracked a minimum of 100 conversions.


  1. They can be used to track events like page views, scroll depth, add to cart, purchase, time on page and more.
  2. To begin, you must first create your pixel. Go to to access your pixel. Click the “Business Manager” tab from the home page. Select “Pixels” from the drop-down option. You’ll be taken to your pixel page. Click “Create a Pixel” to create your very own Facebook pixel.
  3. Give your pixel a name. Later, click on “create pixel”.
  4. Now click “Install Pixel now” to view your pixel code.
  5. Copy and paste the code into your website’s code between the <head> and </head> tags. This code will keep track of how many people have visited each page of your website.
  6. Pixels can be integrated in three ways. They are manual installation, using an integration or tag manager and emailing instructions to a developer.
  7. For email pixel, follow the steps below to transmit your pixel code to someone through email.  
  8. Select “Email Pixel Code” from the drop-down box under the “Actions” tab.
  9. Click “Send” after entering the recipient’s email address.
  10. Then, to conclude, click “Done.”
  11. For integration or tag manager, you can also provide your pixel to any advertising agency or partner you like. To share your Pixel with a partner, follow the instructions below.
  12. Select “Actions” from the drop-down menu, then “Share Pixel.”
  13. To share your pixel, you need to be in Business Manager. To go to Business Manager, click “Go to Business Manager“.
  14. Click “Assign Partner“.
  15. Enter your partner’s Business Manager ID (which is the same as the one you used to add them to your Business Manager). Then press “Confirm.”
  16. This is where the partner with whom you shared your pixel should appear.


We hope we’ve persuaded you of the Facebook Pixel’s importance and benefits it has to offer. With further integration, you’ll be able to track how well your website and business are functioning and make the required changes to improve them.

All you have to do now is install your pixel, and Facebook will handle the data gathering for you! Use this information to help you optimize your ads, target the right audience, and so on. Overall, we hope this post has aided you in the creation and installation of your Facebook Pixel.