facebook app installs ad

With 1.4 billion monthly users worldwide, Facebook is one of the most popular sites for business owners and marketers to promote anything. Chances are, whomever you’re trying to reach is on Facebook. Facebook is undeniably aware of how valuable they are to businesses, and they are continually taking steps to help app publishers and business owners prosper. So why not join in on the fun and promote your app on Facebook? The ability to target customers as narrowly as possible is arguably the best incentive to advertise on Facebook, provided you know the profiles of your ideal customers—what they like, where they are, how old they are, and other information specific to the subset you are targeting. In this article, we will learn how to create Facebook app installs ad campaign for your app.


Let’s start by examining what sets Facebook App Install Ads apart from the other types of ads offered. These commercials can be distinguished by the call-to-action “Play Now” or “Install Now.” When someone clicks on these adverts, they are taken straight to the app store, where they may download the app. Facebook App Install Ads are a cost-effective strategy to drive more downloads and users to your app.


  1. Go to Ads manager first.
  2. In the top left corner of Ads Manager, click Create.
  3. Facebook will ask you to select a campaign goal. Select the “App Installs” as your campaign objective. This campaign objective will help serve mobile app install ads to people in your target audience.
  4. When you do, you’ll see the option to name your campaign.
  5. Now for the budget section, you will need to define the Budgets, optimize for Ad Delivery (App Installs & Link Clicks), Ad scheduling and audience.
  6. In the Ad setup section, select Single image or video or Carousel.
  7. In the Ad creative section, choose the image or video that you would like to use for your ad.
  8. Include the title, description, and any information in your ad. Include the most relevant call-to-action button for your app ad.
  9. When you’re done, click Publish to make your app ad live.
  10. Later, track and evaluate your performance.


App Install Ads on Facebook are one of the most cost-effective advertising methods for increasing app traffic and users. It can be used to target a wide range of consumers on both Facebook and Instagram. Once you have enough performance data to make meaningful and statistically significant optimization decisions, run some reports to see what is working well and what is not. Then, in order to increase performance, start experimenting with some of the various factors available to you, such as campaign objectives, ad set targeting, and ad level components. Have some fun, be innovative, and keep your users engaged once they’ve downloaded.