facebook conversion campaign

Because Facebook is the most popular social media platform for conversions, implementing effective Facebook advertisements is an important aspect of any social media strategy. Facebook Ads is continuously searching for new methods for brands to improve their KPIs and enhance their success, regardless of what that success looks like. In this article, we will dive into the steps to creating a Facebook conversion campaign.


Any Facebook ad with the website conversion goal is considered a Facebook conversion ad. Whether your goal is page visits, sales, video views, or another action to help expand your online business, Facebook website conversion advertising drive potential buyers to visit your post-click page to take action. Website conversion advertising works in combination with your website’s Facebook pixel to target users most likely to take the desired action and track how many people convert. It’s essential to link your Facebook campaign to a post-click landing page no matter what you’re giving or what your conversion event is, since that’s where the final conversion occurs.


  1. Go to Ads manager first, then click Events Manager.
  2. Make sure that before tracking the conversions, you install the pixel code.
  3. The link to install a pixel code: PIXEL CODE.
  4. Choose whether to have a conversion goal on a website or in an app.
  5. Click on “Create custom conversion.
  6. When you do, you’ll see the option to name your campaign, add description, data source (pixel name), conversion event and so on.
  7. Enter the URL you consider as a conversion for your website.
  8. Click on “Create” once you fill the details.
  9. Your conversion tracking is done. Now, create a conversion tracking campaign.
  10. Go to Ads manager and in the top left corner, click “Create”.
  11. Facebook will ask you to select a campaign goal. Select the “Conversions” as your campaign objective.
  12. Name your campaign.
  13. Continue creating your campaign by deciding on your target audience, placement, as scheduling and budget.
  14. Then click “Next” to go to the Ad creation stage.
  15. Now choose an advertisement format and personalise it.
  16. When you’re done, click Publish to make your ad live.
  17. Later, track and evaluate your performance.


Facebook has a variety of conversion events that can assist you in achieving your goal. If you want to track people checking out on your website, for example, you’ll need a specific conversion for that. The Facebook website conversion goal aids in the expansion of your firm. Website conversion advertising encourages people to visit your website and take action, whether you’re looking for page views, sales, or something else.