Facebook custom audience

With 1.47 billion daily active users, Facebook provides advertisers with a massive potential audience. It’s so big, in fact, that you need to laser-target your ads to make sure you reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your company. This allows you to minimize your ad spend and maximize ROI. Facebook Custom Audience is a significant feature to be used while running Facebook ads. In this article, let’s dive into the easiest way to create Facebook Custom Audience.


Custom Audiences on Facebook provide some of the most precise targeting available. They are specified categories of people who have previously interacted with your company. They are well-defined groups of people who already have a relationship with your company, such as prior customers, website visitors, or app users. Custom audience allows you to connect with the people who have already shown an interest in your product or business.


Custom audience can be created from your customer contacts, website traffic or mobile app.

  1. You can start making a Facebook Custom Audience by signing into Facebook Ads Manager. Then, in the top-left corner, click the dots and select Audiences.
  2. On the following screen, select the first option from the Create audience drop-down, which is Custom Audience.
  3. Next, you will be given a choice of where you want to source the information for your Custom Audience.
  4. From “Use your sources”, click on the website.
  5. To create a custom audience, you need to create a Facebook pixel.
  6. How to create a Facebook pixel, click on this link and create a pixel.
  7. Choose whether to include people who meet any or all of the criteria you will set below.
  8. Select the “people you want to target.”
  9. Select as appropriate and name your audience.
  10. Click “create audience” when you’re finished.
  11.  Website custom audience is created.
  12. To create a Custom Audience for your customer list, download the CSV file of the leads/customers you want to reach from your CRM or auto-responder.
  13. Select Customer list from the Use Your Source menu.
  14. Select “Add from your own list” from the drop-down menu.
  15. This is where you will upload your CRM or Auto-CSV responder’s file. You can either manually upload the data or use automation to do it.
  16. To manually upload it, go to the original data source and choose where you acquired the data from, then save the list as a text or CSV file, or copy and paste the data into the content area.
  17. Name your audience and select “next”. Edit and upload your data.
  18. When completed, upload the Custom Audience to Facebook. Facebook lets you use the data to create your Custom Audiences. Once uploaded, click on “Done” to finish the process.

Watch this video to learn the detailed way to creating a custom audience.


Facebook Custom Audiences is an excellent feature to use for Facebook ads. When used in conjunction with cold campaigns, it performs even better. It allows you to combine a re-targeting campaign with a cold campaign, in addition to increasing efficiency. It can increase your leads and revenues by re-targeting those who are more likely to convert, as well as driving traffic to your online and offline businesses. Furthermore, having an app for your business will aid in increasing installs. Use custom audiences to perform re-targeting campaigns, enhance profit margins, and give a better shopping experience if you run a firm with a large database.