lead generation campaign on Facebook

Facebook lead ads help you generate high-quality inbound leads, grow your customer base, amplify your brand, and better understand your audience through exposure and lead capture. When you run an ad, you give the lead a beneficial lead magnet in exchange for them, filling out a form with information like their name, email address, and company. In this article, we will dive into the steps to create a lead generation campaign on Facebook.


The word “lead generation” refers to the process of attracting potential customers’ attention. In the commercial world, lead creation is frequently the difference between success and failure. Whatever you believe, your customer is your most valuable asset and the lifeblood of your business. Your product will be irrelevant if you don’t have clients, your infrastructure will become a problem, and your cash will go. As a result, any company’s ability to attract and keep customers is vital. The process of developing new clients for your business is known as lead generation.


  1. Go to your Ads Manager first.
  2. In the top left corner of Ads Manager, click Create.
  3. Facebook will ask you to select a campaign goal. Choose lead generation as your goal.
  4. When you do, you’ll see the option to name your campaign.
  5. After you’ve given your campaign a name, go over the other sections of this page and see if any of the options that you would like to use. Then, in the bottom right corner, click “Next” to go to your ad set.
  6. Give our ad set a name. Select how you want to connect with individuals. Forms, chat, and phone are available; for a Facebook lead ad, choose Instant Forms.
  7. Choose from the options in the Optimization & Delivery and Budget & Schedule sections. If you hover over the info icon next to each option, Facebook will explain you through it.
  8. To determine who sees your ad, choose your target audience and placements. Your target audience can be filtered based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and connections. The placements define where your audience will see your ad.
  9.  When you’re finished, click “Next”.
  10. Under Ad Setup, choose your lead ad format. You can select a carousel or a single image or video.
  11. . Then go to Ad Creative and provide your media, major text, headline, and CTA, as well as an optional description and display link.
  12. Scroll down and click Create form under Instant Form. This window is where you’ll create your instant form that will pop up when a user clicks on your ad.
  13. Its purpose is to capture their contact information without forcing them to leave Facebook.
  14. Finally, click Publish in the lower right corner.


The most crucial component of your marketing efforts is lead generating. Because lead generation is such a crowded space, ODMT wants to assist you in finding the ideal option for your company. Creating a lead generation campaign is simple, especially if you’re familiar with Facebook’s ad platform. Create a lead generation campaign and ad set, choose how and when to publish your ad, specify your bidding parameters, choose who sees your ad and where it appears, associate your ad with your business page, design your ad media and copy, develop your form, and post your ad.