Keyword is the process of finding and analysing search terms that people enter into search engines with the goal of using that data for a specific purpose, often for search engine optimisation(SEO) or general marketing. Keyword research can uncover queries to target, the popularity of these queries, their ranking difficulty, and more.


Keyword research helps you find which keywords are best to target and provides valuable insight into the queries that your target audience is actually searching on google.


Keyword research can be done in 3 ways those are

Brainstorming: Brainstorming in keyword research is a creative and strategic process aimed at generating fresh ideas and identifying potential problems to solve. It involves the exploration of niche-specific search queries with the goal of topic ideation, content creation, and blog organization. This method is crucial for bloggers and content creators who aim to discover unique, low-competition keywords with high search volume that align with their niche, expertise, and audience interests. List out all the possible keywords that people search to find out the article of your niche. For example, if you are writing a blog about “Organic hair oil for hair growth” keyword find out what all the possible keywords that people might use, I have listed out a few possible keywords that people might use

  • Best organic hair oil
  • Organic hair oil for hair growth
  • How to prepare organic hair oil
  • How to get rid of hair fall by using organic hair oil

Google Suggestions:

Google Suggestions, also known as Google Autocomplete, is a feature that can be incredibly useful for keyword research. It’s the list of possible keyword predictions that appear when you start typing a query into the Google search bar. These suggestions are generated by Google’s algorithms based on a variety of factors, including the popularity of search terms and the user’s past search history.

For marketers, content creators, and SEO specialists, Google Suggestions can be a goldmine of insights. It helps in understanding what users are searching for most frequently and can guide the creation of content that aligns with those search terms. By analyzing these suggestions, one can uncover long-tail keywords, which are often less competitive and more specific than short-tail keywords, making them valuable for targeting niche audiences.

Here’s how you can use Google Suggestions for keyword research:

  1. Start Typing: Begin by entering a broad keyword related to your topic into the Google search bar and observe the suggestions that appear.
  2. Note Down Variations: Write down the variations and long-tail keywords that are relevant to your content or business.

Keyword Tool:

Now you know what people might search for But you do not know which keyword is best for you. How can you find the best keyword again? look at the process now, There are three things you must concentrate Long tail keyword, Relevancy, Competition, Search Volume

Long Tail keyword:

Long tail keywords are essentially search terms that are more specific and often longer than more commonly used keywords. They have lower search volume and competition, making them valuable for SEO as they can attract more qualified traffic. These keywords are particularly effective because they cater to users who are further along in the buying process and are therefore more likely to convert. For instance, instead of targeting the highly competitive keyword “shoes,” a long tail alternative could be “women’s black running shoes size 8,” which is more specific and likely to meet the needs of the searcher.


Relevancy in keyword research is a critical factor that determines how well a webpage aligns with the content a user is searching for. It’s about selecting keywords that match the content and context of your page, which helps search engines understand and rank your content effectively. By focusing on relevant keywords, you ensure that your content reaches the right audience, improving engagement and search rankings. It’s a cornerstone of effective SEO, as it connects user intent with your content, driving targeted traffic to your website


When it comes to SEO, the choice between low-competition and high-competition keywords depends on your specific circumstances and goals. Let’s explore both options

  1. Low-Competition Keywords:
    • Advantages:
      • Easier to Rank: Low-competition keywords are those that can rank with little to no link building and minimal domain authority.
      • Better Visibility: A well-optimized page targeting low-competition keywords can achieve higher rankings and better visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) with less effort.
      • Targeted Audience: These keywords often attract a more targeted audience.
      • Authority Building: Focusing on niche-specific low-competition terms can help you build authority in your niche.
    • Considerations:
      • Lower Search Volume: Low-competition keywords may have a lower overall search volume compared to high-competition ones.
      • Thorough Research: Identifying valuable low-competition terms requires a more extensive keyword research process
  2. High-Competition Keywords:
    • Advantages:
      • Significant Traffic: Successfully ranking for high-competition keywords can yield significant traffic.
      • Industry Dominance: Targeting competitive terms allows you to compete with established players in your industry.
    • Considerations:
      • Intense Effort: High-competition keywords require more effort, including robust link building and content optimization.
      • Longer Timeline: Achieving top rankings for competitive terms may take longer.

In summary, balance is key. Consider a mix of both types: target low-competition keywords for quick wins and authority building, while strategically pursuing high-competition terms for long-term growth.

So now you understood what metrics you need to look for to choose proper keyword. Then how to check search volume, competition? well there are many tools like SEMrush, Ubbersuggest, Keyword tool, Keyword revealer etc available out there to help you choose the best keyword

Learn How to use Semrush step by step

Learn How to use Ubbersuggest step by step


The most important thing to look for when doing keyword research is relevance.Here’s why relevance is key and how it should guide your keyword research. “RELEVANCE TO YOUR CONTENT OR BUSINESS” The keyword you target should be highly relevent to your website, content, or business niche.