remarketing on facebook

Remarketing ads on Facebook are one of the platform’s most powerful advertising features. They let you reach out to visitors who are already familiar with your brand, whether through an existing customer list or tracking pixel-captured activity on your site. It’s a win-win situation for both the marketer and the customer because users are more inclined to engage with adverts from businesses they know and trust.


Remarketing ads are a type of internet targeting advertising that are shown to users who have already visited your website or are in your database.

  1. The Facebook remarketing pixel is the first step in getting started with Facebook remarketing advertisements. Sign in to your Facebook account to do so.
  2. Select Ads Manager from the sidebar of your homepage.
  3. Then, from the window that appears, select “Events Manager.
  4. Click Connect a data source after that.
  5. In the pop-up box, select “Web.”
  6. A new pop-up page will open when you do so. Click “Connect” after selecting “Facebook Pixel.
  7. You may now see a window with general information on the Facebook pixel and how it works. Choose “Continue.”
  8. A pop-up will appear next, asking you to name your pixel and enter the URL of your website.
  9. Your Pixel is now ready to use once you’ve accomplished that step.
  10. The Pixel must then be installed.
  11. You’ll have to decide whether you want to install your Facebook pixel directly, through partner integration, or by emailing instructions to a developer.
  12. If you are installing manually, click Install Code Manually and then Copy code. This action automatically copies the pixel’s base code to your clipboard.
  13. Next, go to your website’s header template and put the base code there. Even better, if your website is powered by WordPress, you may quickly insert your pixel using a plugin. The plugin is called Insert Header and Footer.
  14. Return to Facebook and click the Continue option after pasting.
  15. Install codes for the events you’d like to track next.
  16. Determine your campaign objective, set your audience, ad placements and budget, and the last step is to track your ad campaign.


Remarketing means you’ll be showing different ads to the same set of people. Remarketing advertisements on Facebook can result in increased ad engagement, brand ad lift and recognition, click-through rates, and conversions, all at a cheaper CPC than most cold audience campaigns. Instead of focusing just on creating ad campaigns for cold audiences, marketers should dedicate more time to this incredible opportunity. As a result, your brand image and voice must be consistent. This is how you’ll establish the familiarity required to keep your brand in front of your consumers’ and prospects’ minds.