Certainly! ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for various aspects of on-page SEO. Here are some ways you can use ChatGPT effectively:

  1. Keyword Research:
    • ChatGPT can assist you in brainstorming keyword ideas. You can ask it to generate related keywords based on your topic or industry.
    • Example prompt: “What are some relevant keywords for ‘digital marketing’?”
  2. Title Tags and Meta Descriptions:
    • Use ChatGPT to create title tags and meta descriptions for your web pages. Crafting compelling titles and descriptions is crucial for attracting clicks from search engine results page(SERPs)
    • Example prompt: “Write a title tag for an article about ‘best SEO practices in 2024’.”
  3. Content Planning:
    • ChatGPT can help you plan your content by suggesting topics, subtopics, and related ideas. 
    • It’s especially useful when you’re stuck or need fresh perspectives.
    • Example prompt: “What are some content ideas for a blog post about ‘local SEO strategies’?”
  4. FAQ Pages:
    • Create FAQ pages using ChatGPT. Compile common questions related to your industry or product and provide concise answers. FAQ pages can improve user experience. and enhance(SEO).
    • Example prompt: “Write an FAQ answer for ‘What is the best time to post on social media?’”
  5. Understanding Search Intent:
    • ChatGPT can help you analyze search intent. Ask it to explain what users might be looking for when searching specific queries. Understanding intent helps tailor your content.
    • Example prompt: “What type of content should I create for the query ‘how to lose weight fast’?”
  6. Schema Markup:
    • Generate Schema markup using ChatGPT. Schema markup enhances your website’s visibility in search results by providing structured data to search engines.
    • Example prompt: “Create Schema markup for a recipe page.


Add AIPRM Chrome extension to Chat Gpt. Then you will get prompts like Keyword Strategy,Human-like rewriter,You tube script writer,Outrank Article Etc……

  • Keyword Research
  • Semantically Related keywords
  • Generate Headlines Ideas
  • Create topic clusters
  • Create Content

KEYWORD RESEARCH: Brainstorm a pool of keywords with ChatGPT, then use a tool like semrush to evaluate their effectiveness and choose the ones that give your content the most visibility.

Search for keywords and you will get related titles, description…

Copy the description and check plagarism (duplicate content) using tools like QuillBot, pharaphrasar, Glammerly. Then rewrite the content and paste in our website.

SEMANTICALLY RELATED KEYWORDS:Semantic relevance refers to how keywords relate to each other in terms of meaning or context. Grouping them helps you know which words to put together in a piece of content for better ranking.

GENERATE HEADLINES IDEAS:Click-Worthy headlines encourage readers to engage with your content. Provide CHATGPT with the headline’s keyword, character limit, and purpose to generate headline ideas.

CREATE TOPIC CLUSTERS:Topic clusters are categories of related topics linked with one central “pillar” topic.They help users navigate your content and signal to search engines that your website has a high degree of authority on the subject.

use ChatGPT to generate ideas for topic clusters to improve internal linking.

CREATE CONTENT:Use AI to aid your writing process and speed up content creation. Supplement ChatGPT with your expertise and research to create engaging, informative content.


You can use AI tools like chatGpt to condense your writing to its most important points. Copy and paste sections of your essay into chatGPT and prompt the tool to summarise the text. However,It’s important to bear in mind that ChatGPT outputs are not always trustworthy and may contain inaccuracies.

Remember that while ChatGPT is powerful, it has limitations. Not all responses are accurate, and the base version is trained up to April 2023. Use it as a supplement to your SEO efforts, but verify its Suggestions with other tools and best practices. Happy optimizing! 😊