Ubersuggest is a versatile SEO tool developed by Neil Patel that provides valuable insights for keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization. Let’s walk through the steps on how to use Ubersuggest effectively:

  1. Create a Project in Ubersuggest:
    • Visit the Ubersuggest dashboard and register for a free account.
    • Click on “Add Your First Project.”
    • Enter your website URL and name.
    • Choose the main country or city where you do business.
    • If your business operates in multiple locations, add them one at a time.
    • Track keywords related to your business by typing them in the box and hitting “Enter.”
  2. Fix Errors with Ubersuggest SEO Audit:
    • Ubersuggest offers an SEO audit feature. Use it to identify and fix any technical issues on your website.
    • Address issues related to crawlability, indexability, and other SEO factors.
  1. Perform Competitor Analysis:
    • Ubersuggest helps you analyze your competitors’ websites.
    • Enter competitor URLs manually or choose from suggestions.
    • Explore their organic keywords, estimated traffic, and backlink profiles.
  2. Generate Better Blog Post Ideas:
    • Use Ubersuggest to find content ideas.
    • Enter a topic or keyword related to your niche.
    • Discover popular blog posts based on that keyword and explore related keywords
  3. Get More Backlinks:
    • Ubersuggest provides backlink data.
    • Identify opportunities to build quality backlinks by analyzing your competitors’ link profiles.
    • Focus on acquiring relevant and authoritative backlinks to improve your site’s authority.
  • Create a project in Ubersuggest
  • Fix errors with Ubersuggest SEO audit
  • Use Ubersuggest to perform a competitor analysis
  • Generate better blog post ideas with ubersuggest
  • Use Ubersuggest to get more backlinks


Remember that Ubersuggest offers additional features beyond these steps, including keyword research, content ideas, and traffic analysis.