In GA4 What is Engagement report ?

The Engagement overview report in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a pre-made overview report that summarizes your engagement data. Here’s what you need to know about it:

  1. Purpose and Summary:
    • The Engagement overview report helps you compare key engagement metrics over time.
    • It provides insights into how users interact with your website or app, including which pages and screens they visit and the features they interact with.
    • By understanding user engagement, you can optimize your digital strategies.
  2. Metrics Included:
    • The report includes the following summary cards (which can be customized by administrators and editors):
      • Average Engagement Time: This metric shows the average time your website was in focus in a user’s browser or how long a mobile app was in the foreground on a user’s device.
      • Engaged Sessions per User: This metric indicates the number of sessions that were engaged per user1.
  3. Interpreting Average Engagement Time:
    • The average engagement time in the tab may be greater than the individual average engagement times in the chart. This is because the tab shows the sum of engagement time per user divided by the total number of users across the entire time period.
    • Each point in the chart represents the engagement time per user divided by the number of users for that specific day.
    • For example, if two users visited your website in July, the average engagement time in the tab would consider the total engagement time for both users, while the chart would show daily averages.

Remember that understanding user engagement is crucial for optimizing your website or app