instagram marketing

There are over 1 billion Instagram users worldwide, with more than 500 million of them using the app every day and sharing an average of 95 million photographs and videos per day. Those are enormous figures. And you’ll be able to reach your target audience on Instagram regardless of their age, gender, occupation, or anything else. Instagram is a social networking site that lets users to organise, collect, discuss, and share ideas, as well as drive traffic to commercial websites or blogs. Instagram has developed dramatically in recent years, and with a few tweaks to your strategy, you’ll be able to get the full benefits of the platform while crushing your Instagram marketing.


Instagram marketing is a type of social media marketing in which businesses promote themselves through the Instagram platform.

Whether you’re completely new to Instagram and planning your first post, or you’re a seasoned pro trying to expand your reach, it’s critical to start with specific objectives in mind. Setting goals will assist you in defining your Instagram strategy and creating content that will help you meet your objectives.

Demonstrate your goods or services.

Boost brand loyalty.

Share company updates and news.

Build your community.

Increase your brand’s visibility.

Showcase your company culture and values.

Advertise to potential customers.

Instagram has taken over the world of social media. With over a billion monthly users, it’s the go-to place for image sharing.  Every day, billions of likes are distributed, and you must do your part to collect some of them. If you haven’t already, change your Instagram profile to an Instagram Business Profile. This will provide you with a wealth of free resources and information.  Then, start utilising those free resources. Examine your target audience’s demographics, such as their age or preferred locations. Use product teasers to entice people to buy your goods or services without being too pushy. If they don’t feel pressurised, they’ll be more likely to buy. Turn your posts into sponsored ads to reach those who aren’t already following you. They might be hooked with just one post.  Post behind-the-scenes photographs or videos to Instagram Stories. Insider posts will be appreciated by your followers, and it will strengthen your customer relationship. Collaborate with influencers who have a large following in your industry. Their followers believe in what they say. Be sure to leverage the power of user-generated content by reposting images that your customers share. You can turn this into a contest with an interactive branded hashtag. Post at the appropriate times and don’t overdo it. Every day, post one to two times and see when your followers are most active. Schedule posts to go online at those hours and on those days. Finally, make sure you’re tracking the correct analytics to evaluate how effective your Instagram marketing is. Keep track of your following growth, engagement, and URL click-through rates.


  1. Increases Brand awareness.
  2. Increase website traffic and SEO rankings.
  3. Saves your time.
  4. Lead generation happens at a low cost.
  5. Boosts content marketing.
  6. Increase in sales.
  7. Provides you better audience insights.


In the world of social media, Instagram is unquestionably a force to be reckoned with. There’s an almost unlimited amount of untapped opportunity for brands to attract attention, create interaction, build strong relationships, and exceed their annual financial targets. While it may appear to be a big and daunting world of its own, new businesses have nothing to fear as long as they keep an eye on it, listen to it, and learn as they go. If you approach your Instagram marketing strategy with a growth attitude, you’ll discover that it becomes easier and more profitable as time passes. If you play your cards well, it can also be rather enjoyable.

Reach out to our firm ODMT for assistance with your Instagram ad campaigns!