What are ad assets?

Ans:- Ad assets are the building blocks that advertisers use to create Google Ads. These assets can include images, videos, headlines, descriptions, logos, and other types of content. By using a combination of different ad assets, advertisers can create more engaging and effective ads that resonate with their target audience.

Here are some common types of ad assets used in Google Ads:

. Headlines: Headlines are short, attention-grabbing phrases that appear at the top of an ad. They are typically used to highlight the main selling point of a product or service.

. Descriptions: Descriptions are longer text blocks that appear below the headline. They are used to provide more detailed information about the product or service and to persuade the user to take action.

. Images: Images can be used to make an ad more visually appealing and to showcase the product or service being advertised. Google Ads supports a variety of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

. Videos: Videos can be used to create more engaging and immersive ads. Google Ads supports a variety of video formats, including MP4, AVI, and MOV.

Logos: Logos are graphical representations of a brand or company. They can be used to create brand awareness and to establish credibility and trust with the user.

. Call-to-action buttons: Call-to-action buttons are used to encourage the user to take action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Google Ads supports a variety of call-to-action buttons, including “Buy Now,” “Learn More,” and “Sign Up.”