What are insights in google ads?

Ans:- Insights in Google Ads refer to the data and analytics that advertisers can use to gain a deeper understanding of their ad campaigns’ performance and users’ interactions with them. These insights help advertisers to optimize their campaigns and improve ad performance, leading to higher ROI and more successful campaigns.

Here are some examples of insights available in Google Ads:

Performance metrics: Google Ads provides various performance metrics like clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), and conversion rates. These metrics can help advertisers to track the overall performance of their campaigns, individual ads, and keywords.

Audience insights: Google Ads provides data about the audiences that interact with the ads, such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. This information can be used to create more targeted ads that are tailored to specific audience segments.

Search terms: Google Ads provides data on the search terms that trigger ads to appear. This information can help advertisers identify new keywords to target or negative keywords to exclude.

Device insights: Google Ads provides data on the devices that users use to interact with ads, including desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. This information can help optimize ads for different device types.

Ad placement: Google Ads provides data on where ads appear, such as search results pages, display networks, or YouTube. This information can help adjust bids and targeting for different ad placements.

Overall, insights in Google Ads provide advertisers with valuable data and analytics that can help optimize campaigns and improve ad performance. By using these insights to make data-driven decisions, advertisers can maximize their ROI and achieve their advertising goals.