Keyword match types

Keywords are the lifeblood of an online marketing strategy, so you must pay close attention to the ones you choose. The majority of terms typed into Google and other search engines result in both organic and sponsored results. This enables you to target the right audience and be more precise with your targeting than you could otherwise. The keyword match type you select will determine how closely the search keywords match the ad displayed. Keyword selection and match type are both used to target people who are searching on Google. Choosing the best keyword matching options can help you enhance traffic volume and quality, resulting in the optimal mix of volume and profit. The following are the keyword match types.



The default match type in AdWords is a broad match. When someone searches for that term, similar phrases, singular forms, plural forms, synonyms, misspellings, relevant variations, and other relevant searches, your ad will be triggered by a broad match. If you want to reach as many people as possible, a broad match is the way to go.


The broad match modifier tends to add more precision to your broad match keywords, enhancing the relevancy of your keywords but perhaps reducing traffic. On searches for near variants, such as misspellings, singular and plural versions, abbreviations and acronyms, and stemming, advertisements may appear. Ads are not shown for synonyms.

Adding a plus symbol (+) in front of one or more terms in your board match keywords is the right syntax for writing broad match keywords. This match type gives you more control over the look of your search results and improves the relevance of the traffic you get from PPC ads.


When all the words in your keyword, or close variants, match words in a user’s search query, even if other words are present in that query, the phrase match activates your ad. If the aim of the search question matches that of your keyword, the words can be present in the search query in the exact same order or re-ordered. When compared to a broad match, phrase match can improve the relevancy of matched queries.


The most specific sort of match is an exact match. Your ad will only appear if the person is searching for your identical keyword, or a close variation of it, such as misspellings, singular and plural forms, stemmings, acronyms, and abbreviations, when this option is enabled. The ad will not be triggered if the precise terms are used in the search query but in the wrong sequence (or if the search includes extra words).


Negative keywords and keyword match types go hand in hand. They both contribute to a reduction in the amount of wasted ad spend. When you add a negative keyword to an ad group, your ad will no longer appear for search queries, including that keyword. You may also tell Google how closely to consider your negative keywords by using the suitable negative match type.


Understanding keyword match types is just one of the numerous ways you can fine-tune your digital marketing efforts to more efficiently reach your target market. If you’re concerned about the effectiveness of your sponsored advertising, contact our ODMT team for a free demo and to know more about how we can assist you in achieving better results.