What are pageviews?

Whenever someone lands on your website, this user generates a page view event. Repeated views also count as page views. 

As I mentioned above, Google Analytics 4 allows you to track website pageviews (including one-page applications based on Node.js, etc.) and mobile app screens by placing the default GA4 code. You don’t need to set up anything else to track it.

What additional parameters are available with the pageview event in GA4?

Once you implement the code, you will be able to see the following parameters along with the event:

  • language
  • page_location
  • page_referrer
  • page_title
  • screen_resolution
  • campaign
  • term
  • medium
  • source
  • ga_session_id
  • ga_session_number

All these parameters are available in GA4; you can use them without creating custom definitions. This gives you the first insights into how users behave on your website, and you can create the funnel in the GA4 Explore report builder. Having extra parameters allows you to focus on the aspects that matter from your pageviews.