Types of google ads

Google Ads is perhaps one of the most misunderstood paid advertising platforms. Many business owners use sponsored postings on social media sites like Facebook to sell their products, but often underutilize Google Ads, despite the unique opportunity it provides to advertise their products and services directly to people who are actively looking for them. Google gives you access to a wide range of advertising solutions. It also gives you access to users of the world’s two most popular search engines, Google and YouTube, as well as a network of millions of websites on which to advertise. We’ll go over the 5 most significant types of google ads campaigns in this article: search, display, shopping, app and video.


Google Ads is an advertising tool that lets people to promote their businesses by placing ads on Google’s search results and network. Advertisers pay per click, view, install, acquisition or impression on an ad with this pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategy.


Below is the list of 5 significant types of Google ads that might be beneficial for your business to flourish.


This ad format is used on Google’s search and display networks. The headline, website URL, and description text are all included. We have room for two headlines. The headline cannot be more than 30 characters long. The length of the Display URL Path Field will be 15 characters. We have the option of adding up to two descriptions. A maximum of 90 characters can be used in the description. The Text or search ads are displayed according to the keywords associated with the Ad groups. When someone types a query into the Google search field, the most relevant adverts are displayed to them.

search ads


These advertisements are either image or banner adverts that appear on other websites, apps, or YouTube videos. Because these ad campaign types aren’t based on Google search queries, it’s critical to make them conceptually and contextually relevant so that people will want to click on them. You also have complete control over the placement of your adverts on these websites. On which page should your advertisement appear? Is it better to have a banner at the top of the page or at the bottom of the page? You can also let Google choose where your advertisements appear, but it’s usually ideal to have more control over your ads.

display ads


You can promote your products in a much more visual way with a shopping campaign. On the search results page, these adverts may show as images. If you have a physical product, Google Shopping advertisements can help you generate quality leads by allowing customers to see your goods firsthand. Product shopping ads feature a product image, title, price, and a link to the retailer’s website. The product feed you give pulls all of this data from your Google Merchant Center account.

types of google ads - shopping ads


App advertising, like video ads, are part of the Display Network and can be used for targeted campaigns. You don’t have to create each every app ad for this. Instead, they’ll take your text as well as whatever assets you have, such as images, and create the ad for you. The algorithm evaluates several asset pairings and favours the one that performs the best. Drive app downloads by promoting your mobile app. To reach potential customers on Google Search, Google Play, Google Display Network, and YouTube, use universal app campaigns.

types of google ads - app ads


Several different video ad formats allow you to deliver a more engaging experience to users, reaching customers on Google Partner sites and platforms, including YouTube. Video advertising is a lucrative ad type with a high return on investment, and it is highly recommended for businesses with the financial resources to invest in video assets. With video ads campaign types, you are only charged when someone views your video. Video advertising has three distinct characteristics, according to advertisers:

  1. In-stream: Skippable videos that play before, during, or after a YouTube video
  2. In-display: A video that appears on the side of a viewer’s screen alongside other videos that are linked to it.
  3. In-search: After finishing a YouTube search, searchers are presented video previews that they must click on.
video ads


Online advertising has reduced the cost of advertising and democratised the way in which any willing firm can achieve online growth on their own terms. Ultimately, Google Ads is one of the most cost-effective ways to promote online in order to get new customers, generate profits, or establish a brand.