types of hosting

When it comes to the various web hosting alternatives available on the market, there is a lot of confusion. All the hosting services, on the other hand, cater directly to the demands of website owners, no matter how big or small those needs may be. When searching for a website host, you may be surprised at how many options are available. In this article, we‘ll go over the most common types of hosting for creative professionals so you can figure out which is appropriate.


Your website is made up of numerous files, directories, and data. Visitors will be able to read and access your website if the information is saved on a server. Web hosting servers are used for this purpose. Your domain name must be linked to the internet in order for your website to be accessed. It’s used in combination with your website’s URL. Websites are hosted on servers, which are powerful pieces of hardware that house websites and data related to those sites. Your website’s components are all stored on a server and accessed through your web host. This contains everything, including files, text, photos, and videos.


Below is a list of the four most common types of hosting.


Shared hosting is a setup in which multiple websites are hosted on the same server. The most popular hosting package for website owners is shared hosting. A single server is shared among numerous users on this type of plan. This means that a single system, i.e. a shared server, can host a large number of websites. Despite the fact that you’ll be sharing resources with other users, you won’t have access to their files, personal information, or any other information. Shared hosting costs $0.99 to $3.99 per month and allows numerous websites to share the same physical server with a predetermined amount of storage and resources. Shared hosting is the most cost-effective option, making it ideal for small enterprises and personal websites.


  1. Simple and inexpensive.
  2. Secured by hosting provider.
  3. 24/7 Technical support.


  1. Shared resources can cause the entire server to slow down.
  2. Less flexible.


A physical server is divided into many partitions, providing users with their own private environment and dedicated resources. This hosting option is ideal for medium-to-high-traffic websites. VPS hosting plans start at $3.95 per month and go up to $38.99 per month. A virtual private server hosting divides a server into virtual servers, with each website acting as though it were housed on its own dedicated server, while sharing the server with a few other customers.


  1. Faster loading speeds and higher uptime rates.
  2. Dedicated server resources.
  3. Ability to customise your server’s settings.
  4. Cost effective.


  1. Other websites use the same main server as you.
  2. It’s not as simple to set up as a shared one.
  3. In terms of what you can control, there are still limitations.


Dedicated hosting, as the name implies, allows you to rent a web server exclusively. Dedicated hosting allows website owners to have the maximum control over the server on which their website is hosted. That’s because you’ve rented the server solely, and your website is the only one on it. This means you have complete root and admin access, allowing you to manage anything from security to the operating system you use. All of this control, though, comes at a cost.


  1. Your servers will have full root access.
  2. Ideal for huge businesses.
  3. Database support is strong.
  4. Effective e-mail solutions.
  5. Unlimited software support.


  1. It’s quite costly.
  2. Superior skill sets are required.


Cloud-based web hosting is a relatively new hosting technology that allows hundreds of independent computers to collaborate and seem like one large server. As the demand develops, the hosting business may simply add more cheap hardware to create a larger grid or cloud. The benefit of cloud-based web hosting is that if your website receives an exceptionally high volume of traffic, your web hosting package can accommodate the surge rather than shutting down your website.


  1. The most significant advantage of cloud hosting is its scalability.
  2. It will improve the speed with which your data is delivered.
  3.  Modern cloud hosting services can determine which server is closest to a customer, allowing the contents to be sent from the closest source, reducing delays and page load times.


  1. The biggest disadvantage of cloud hosting is that expenses cannot be accurately predicted.
  2. Despite the best safety and industry certification standards implemented by cloud service providers, external suppliers’ storage of data and crucial files always poses a danger.
  3. Transferring a company’s service from one supplier to another might be complicated.


If you’re just getting started, we recommend starting with shared hosting, which is inexpensive, completely managed, and simple to use when compared with other types of hosting. VPS and cloud hosting, on the other hand, are the way to go if you have some technical skills and want more control over maintaining a server on your own. It all depends on your budget and the type of website you want to create.