404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn’t be found on their server. To be clear, the error means that while the server itself is reachable, the specific page showing the error is not available.Here are some common ways in which you might encounter the 404 Not Found error:

  1. Typical Messages:
    • “404 Error”
    • “404 Not Found”
    • “404 The requested URL [URL] was not found on this server”
    • “HTTP 404 Error”
    • “404 File or Directory Not Found”
    • “HTTP 404 Not Found”
    • “404 Page Not Found”
    • “The page you’re looking for can’t be found”
  2. Causes of 404 Errors:
    • Client-Side Error: It’s usually due to a user mistake, such as mistyping the URL or attempting to access a page that has been moved or removed from the website.
    • Page or Resource Moved: Sometimes a website moves a page or resource without properly redirecting the old URL to the new one, resulting in a 404 error.
    • Specific information:Microsoft IIS web servers may provide more specific details about the cause of 404 errors, such as MIME type restrictions.
  3. How to Fix the 404 Not Found Error:
    • Refresh: Retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking the refresh/reload button, or repeatedly trying the URL from the address bar.
    • Check the URL: Verify that there are no errors in the URL. Often, mistyped URLs or incorrect links lead to 404 errors.
    • Move Up the Directory: If you encounter a 404 error, move up one directory level at a time in the URL until you find something. 


404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn’t be found on their server. To be clear, the error signifies that while the server itself is reachable, the specific page showing the error is not available.