What is a keyword planner and how it is useful ?

Ans:- Keyword Planner is a free Google Ads tool that assists marketers in researching and determining the most appropriate keywords to target in their advertising campaigns. Advertisers may use Keyword Planner to submit a list of words or phrases connected to their product or service and receive ideas for new keywords to use in their advertising.

Keyword Planner is beneficial for a variety of purposes, including:

Keyword research: Keyword Planner gives marketers information about the search volume, degree of competition, and anticipated cost per click for each keyword. This data can assist marketers in selecting the most relevant and effective keywords for their ads.

Campaign planning: Keyword Planner may also be used to create new advertising campaigns. Advertisers might uncover new chances for targeting specific audiences and generating new ad groups by studying keywords connected to a given product or service.

Budgeting: Keyword Planner may also assist advertisers in estimating the possible cost of their advertising initiatives. Advertisers may make educated judgements regarding their budget and bid strategy by offering predicted cost-per-click statistics for each keyword.

Overall, Keyword Planner is a useful tool for advertisers looking to improve the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns. Advertisers may increase the relevancy of their advertisements, reach their target audience more effectively, and get better results from their advertising campaigns by utilising Keyword Planner to study and select the perfect keywords.