how to submit a sitemap ?

Google uses your Sitemap to understand more about your site’s structure and to expand our coverage of your webpages. Otherwise, if it attempts to crawl your site solely through links on your home page or in the navigation, it may not be able to find any of it. In this article, we’ll go over what an XML sitemap is and how to simply submit a sitemap in WordPress.


A sitemap is a map that the server uses to find a certain page. An XML sitemap makes it easier for search engines to navigate your website’s content. It provides them with a machine-readable list of all your content. Essentially, an XML sitemap is a mechanism for website owners to inform search engines about all of their website’s pages. While XML sitemaps do not improve your search engine rankings, they will help search engines explore your website more efficiently. This implies they’ll be able to find more content and begin displaying it in search results, leading to increased search traffic and better SEO rankings.


The first method to submit a sitemap is as follows:

  1. Type xml-sitemaps.com into the Google.
  2. You are directed to the page that asks you to “Enter your website’s URL“.
  3. Type your website’s URL and press the “start” button.
  4. It begins to crawl your website.
  5. Once this is done, click on the “download your xml sitemap file” button.
  6. A sitemap.xml file will be downloaded.
  7. This file should be placed in the root folder.
  8. To submit the file to the root folder, go to Filezilla.

The second way to submit a sitemap for a WordPress website is by using a plugin.

  1. Login to our website.
  2. Click on “plugins” on the dashboard, and then on “add new”.
  3. Type Google xml sitemaps in the search box.
  4. Install “Google XML Sitemaps” from the WordPress plugins directory.
  5. After you’ve installed it, go ahead and activate it.
  6. The sitemap is submitted.

Below is the video tutorial of how to submit the sitemap in the easiest way possible.


In this article, we have covered two methods for submitting WordPress sitemaps: manually and with plugins. You will be able to choose the exact information to include in your sitemap if you do it manually. However, it requires more effort to do so. We suggest you use one of the plugins instead. We hope that this post answered all of your questions about XML sitemaps and how to make one for your WordPress site. If you like this article, be sure to check out our WordPress video lessons on YouTube.