AMP(previously known as Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source HTML frame work that helps create fast-loading mobile-optimised webpages. Son AMP page is, essentially, a stripped-down version of a regular webpage.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source framework designed to improve mobile website performance by creating lightweight web pages. Here’s how it can help with SEO:

  1. Faster Page Load Speed: AMP pages load quickly due to their simplified structure and optimized code. This can lead to better user experience and reduced bounce rates, which are positive signals for SEO.
  2. Increased Visibility: Google prioritizes AMP content in its “Top Stories” carousel, especially for news-related queries. Implementing AMP can boost your chances of appearing in this prominent position on mobile search results.
  3. Mobile Optimization: AMP ensures that your website is optimized for mobile devices, which is crucial since mobile traffic continues to grow. Google rewards mobile-friendly sites with better rankings.

IN summery, while AMP is not mandatory for all websites, it can be beneficial for improving user experience and search visibility, especially in the mobile context. Consider implementing AMP if your content aligns with its goals and if you want to enhance your site’s performance on mobile devices. 😊


The Accelerated Mobile Pages project allows you to create mobile pages that load instantly, helping visitors better engage with the page instead of bouncing. The optimization techniques involved in creating AMP pages not only makes the page load time fast, but also gives visitors a good user experience.

AMP is a web component framework that you can use to easily create user-first websites, stories,emails and ads


While AMP can help your SEO, it is not necessarily essential for SEO, and its benefits are more applicable to some businesses than others.So the bottom line is, optimising for page speed and mobile experience is essential for SEO, and Google AMP is just one way of achieving that.


It uses less HTML code and optimised javascript to build lightweight versions of web pages that load quickly on mobile devices. AMP prioritises content above unnecessary features,Which enhances page performance, lowers bounce rates, and boosts user engagement.