Answer The Public is an audience research and search-listening tool that helps you uncover the questions people ask Google on different topics. It crawls Google autocomplete searches and provides a cloud of questions on your topic, along with search volume and competition data.

AnswerThePublic is a powerful search listening tool that provides insights into what people are asking and searching for on search engines like Google and Bing. Here’s how it works and how you can use it:

  1. What Is AnswerThePublic?
    • AnswerThePublic listens to autocomplete data from search engines, particularly Google. It quickly generates a list of useful phrases and questions related to a specific keyword.
    • These phrases and questions are based on real user queries, making it a goldmine of consumer insights.
  2. How to Use AnswerThePublic:
    • Visit the Answer The public website.
    • Enter a seed keyword related to your business or topic. For example, if you’re in the web design industry, you might enter “web design services” as your seed keyword.
    • AnswerThePublic will then generate a cloud of questions and phrases related to your keyword. These are the actual queries people are typing into search engines.
    • Explore the results to find content ideas, product insights, and areas of search demand that you can address.
  3. Benefits of Using AnswerThePublic:
    • Content Ideas: Use the generated phrases and questions to create fresh, ultra-useful content that resonates with your audience.
    • Search Trends: Keep your finger on the pulse by monitoring how people talk about your keyword over time.
    • Hidden Niches: Discover unexpected insights and niches that can boost your organic search presence.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Use real-time search data to make informed business decisions.
    • Streamlined Content Production: Identify content ideas without manually sifting through individual keywords.
  4. Testimonials:
    • Many companies use AnswerThePublic to enhance their digital PR, content strategies, and website search potential.
    • According to Sarah Evans, Senior Digital Strategist at BOTTLE PR, Answer The Public uncovers less crowded and surprising areas of search demand that they wouldn’t otherwise reach.


  • Ask the right questions
  • Make sure it’s relevant
  • Create content that answers questions
  • Weave in your product
  • Optimise for search


  • AnswerThePublic is a search listening tool that taps into autocomplete data from search engines, particularly Google. It generates a list of phrases and questions related to a specific keyword.
  • These phrases and questions are based on real user queries, making it a valuable resource for understanding consumer interests.