The Traffic Acquisition Report in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) provides valuable insights into how users find your website or app. Let’s explore it further:

  1. Purpose of the Traffic Acquisition Report:
    • The report helps you understand where your website and app visitors are coming from.
    • It specifically shows both new and returning users and their sources of traffic.
  2. Channels Included:
    • The report breaks down user acquisition by different channels, including:
      • Organic search: Visitors who find your site through search engines.
      • Paid campaigns: Users arriving via paid advertising (e.g., Google Ads).
      • Social media: Traffic from social platforms.
      • Referrals: Visitors coming from other websites.
      • Direct: Users who directly type your website URL.
      • Email: Traffic from email marketing efforts.
  3. Cross-Channel Traffic Source Dimensions:
    • GA4 introduces cross-channel traffic source dimensions, which provide a unified view across all traffic sources and marketing channels.
    • These dimensions cover organic and paid traffic sources, Google-paid sources, third-party paid sources, buying platforms (e.g., Google Ads, Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360), and publisher or inventory sources (e.g., Google Search, YouTube).
  4. How to Access the Report:
    • Sign in to Google Analytics.
    • From the left menu, select Reports.
    • Navigate to Acquisition > Traffic acquisition.
    • If you don’t see the report, you can add it to your left navigation if you’re an editor or administrator1.

Remember that understanding user acquisition channels is essential for optimizing your marketing efforts and improving user experiences.