Google’s disavow tool allows webmasters to notify Google of poor-quality links pointing to their website that they do not want associated with their site.This helps SEOs tell google which external links to be considered when Google evaluates ranking factors.

The Disavow Tool is a feature within Google Search Console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools) that allows website owners to manage their backlinks. Here’s how it works:

  1. Purpose:
    • The Disavow Tool helps websites discount the value of specific inbound links. By doing so, it aims to prevent link-based penalties.
    • When you disavow a link, you’re essentially telling Google not to consider it when ranking your website.
  2. When to Use It:
    • You should consider using the Disavow Tool if:
    • Your site has a significant number of spammy, artificial, or low-quality links pointing to it.
    • These links have caused a manual action against your site or are likely to do so.
  3. How to Use It:
    • Create a list of links or domains that you want to disavow in a text file (encoded in UTF-8 or 7-bit ASCII).
    • Specify one URL or domain per line in the file.
    • You can include comments by starting a line with a # mark.
    • Upload this list to Google Search Console.
    • Google will then ignore the specified backlinks when evaluating your site’s ranking.
  • Go to the disavow links tool page.
  • Select a property from the property list. The list will apply to this property only.
  • Click the button to upload your list.
  • Choose the disavow file from your local computer as directed.


Disavow links allows you to take action against spammy, unnatural links to your website that you can’t get removed, like by contacting the webmasters of those sites.

Remember that the Disavow Tool is an advanced feature, and using it incorrectly can potentially harm your site’s performance in Google Search results. Proceed with caution and seek professional advice if needed.