Keyword density also called keyword frequency. Keyword density is the number of times a specific keyword appears on a webpage compared to the total word count.It’s often reported as a percentage or a ratio; the higher the value, the more your selected keyword appears on your page.

Keyword density refers to the percentage of times a specific keyword appears on a webpage compared to the total word count. It’s a fundamental concept in search engine optimization(SEO) and can help determine whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase. Here are some key points about keyword density:

  1. Calculation:To determine keyword density count the number of times a given keyword appears on a page, then divide this by the article’s total word count. The formula for keyword density is:Keyword Density=Total Word CountNumber of Keyword Occurrences​×100%
  2. Importance: While keyword density used to be a significant factor for ranking pages, today’s search engines consider it only a small factor. Instead, focus on using your target keywords in essential on-page elements such as the title tag, meta description, H1, body, alt tags, and internal links. Off-page factors like backlinks and anchor text also play a crucial role in ranking webpages.
  3. Ideal Density: There’s no exact answer to what the ideal keyword density should be because it depends on the topic you’re writing about. Some topics benefit from longer content with related keywords and synonyms, while others work better with concise content and higher keyword repetition. The best advice is to write naturally for human users rather than solely for search engine algorithms.


Keyword density refers to the percentage of times a specific keyword or phrase appears within a piece of content compared to the total number of words in that content.It’s often expressed as a percentage. Keyword density was once a significant factor in SEO, with the belief that higher density could improve rankings.


  • Identify a main keyword or two. “keyword selection is fundamental to success when it comes to executing a paid search or ppc campaign.
  • Don’t forget your meta tags and descriptions.
  • Set a goal for 1.5% density ratio.
  • Include that keyword in the title.


Keyword density is an essential factor when creating a web pageant finding the correct balance is critical to help you rank better on search engines.Remember that keyword density is just one piece of the SEO puzzle. Balancing it with other factors will help create high-quality, relevant content that resonates with both users and search engines.