What is manual bidding strategy?

A manual bidding strategy is a sort of bidding strategy used in online advertising in which advertisers manually establish and alter their bids rather than relying on automatic or smart bidding systems.

Advertisers have complete control over their bids when using manual bidding, and they may set various bids for different keywords, ad groups, campaigns, and targeting choices. They can also change their offers based on market conditions such as competition, seasonality, and other considerations.

Manual bidding necessitates continuous monitoring and optimisation to ensure that bids are competitive and in line with campaign objectives. It may take more time than automated or smart bidding, but it may enable more precise control over bidding and potentially better outcomes, particularly for advertisers with specified performance goals.

Manual bidding, on the other hand, may be impractical or ineffective for large-scale campaigns or advertisers with limited time and resources to commit to bid management. Automated or smart bidding may be a more efficient and effective solution in such instances.