Reciprocity is a process of exchanging things with other people to gain a mutual benefit.

Reciprocity in SEO refers to the practice of exchanging links between websites. Specifically, it occurs when two or more parties agree to link to each other on their sites. In other words, it’s like saying,”you link to my website, and I’ll link to yours”. These reciprocal links connect one party’s page or resource to another’s, creating a mutual exchange of backlinks.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the details:

  1. Purpose of Reciprocal Links:
    • The intention behind reciprocal links is often to benefit each site owner’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and site authority.
    • When used correctly, reciprocal links can be beneficial.
  2. Benefits of Reciprocal Links:
    • Enhancing Customer Experience: Reciprocal linking can enhance the customer experience on your website. When done thoughtfully, it can provide value to potential customers.
    • Authority and Trust: Reciprocal links can contribute to your site’s authority and trustworthiness.
    • Strategic Role: Link building, including reciprocal links, plays a strategic role in digital marketing strategies.
  3. Best Practices for Reciprocal Links:
    • Natural Occurrence: Naturally occurring reciprocal links (where there’s a genuine reason for linking) are better than forced or manipulative ones.
    • Relevance: Ensure that the linked content is relevant to both sites.
    • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on quality rather than quantity. A few high-quality reciprocal links are more valuable than many low-quality ones.
    • Avoid Excessive Reciprocity: Excessive reciprocal linking can raise suspicions and potentially harm your SEO.


In SEO a reciprocal link occurs when two websites link to each other. Reciprocal links are sometimes built based on agreements for the purpose of SEO, which is not considered a good practice. However, when done naturally, reciprocal links are harmless.

Building reciprocal links for the purpose of rankings is considered a black hat SEO practice and is frowned upon by Google. The spam policies for Google web search mention excessive “link to me and I”ll link to you” exchanges as link spam.


The use of links by search engines as a ranking signal to determine how well a page might rank in search results. It is just one of many ranking signals that a search engine may use.

Remember, while reciprocal links can be beneficial, it’s essential to use them wisely and ethically. Avoid any deceptive practices, and prioritise the user experience.