This is commonly used when a webpage is moved to a new address, ensuring that visitors and search engine crawlers are automatically taken to the correct page. Common redirects include 301(moved permanently),302(moved temporarily). As the name suggests, permanent redirects are used for the long-term, when an original URL is permanently redirected to a new page. This can happen due to various reasons such as changes in the domain name, new website, and more.

Redirection in the context of web communication refers to directing users or search engines to a different URL than the one they initially requested. It’s a technique used to give more than one URL address to a page, a form, a whole website, or a web application. Let’s explore the different types of redirections:



A 301 redirect is used in case of a permanent redirect.For instance, if you are relaunching a website, then a 301 redirect would be the perfect option to redirect your old URLs to your new website. 301 redirects offer the huge advantage of passing on almost 100% of the link authority of the original URLs to the redirects. This means that they send a clear signal to the search engines about the permanent shift of your original URL, and index your new page. This helps preserves the SEO metrics of your old URL and prevents any downlinking on SERPs.


A 302 redirects are used for temporary reasons. For instance, if one or more of your pages are under maintenance or are being temporary worked upon, you can use a 302 redirect for the original URLs. These redirects are automatically treated by the search engines as temporary pages, which means that the SEO of the page will mostly remain unaffected.

  1. Permanent Redirections:
    • These redirections are meant to last indefinitely. They imply that the original URL should no longer be used and should be replaced with the new one.
    • 301 Moved Permanently: This status code indicates that the resource has been permanently moved to a new location. Search engines and other crawlers update their records to use the new URL.
    • 308 Permanent Redirect: Similar to 301, but it also preserves the original HTTP method and request body. It was introduced to clarify behaviour when using non-GET methods.
  2. Temporary Redirections:
    • Temporary redirects are used when the requested resource can’t be accessed from its canonical location but is available elsewhere temporarily.
    • 302 Found: Indicates that the requested resource is temporarily unavailable for unforeseen reasons.
    • 303 See Other: Used after a PUT or POST operation to redirect without re-triggering the operation.
    • 307 temporary redirect:
  3. Special Redirections:Similar to 302 but better when non-GET operations are available on the site.
    • 304 (Not Modified): Redirects to a locally cached copy of a page that was stale.
    • 300(multiple choices):A manual redirection where the browser presents a list of possible redirections and the user selects one.

In summary, there are several types of redirects, categorized as permanent, temporary, and special redirections. The most commonly used ones are 301,302,307


Redirection is used to promote desirable behaviour, prevent injury, reduce punishment, and promote learning and exploration. There are also other age appropriate techniques that parents can use when talking with children.