• Definition: SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or web page from search engines.
  • Target: It focuses on unpaid traffic, also known as ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ results, rather than direct or paid traffic.
  • Goal: The primary goal of SEO is to increase visibility in search engines, such as Google, to attract more organic traffic.

SEO(search engine optimization)is a set of process aimed at improving a website’s visibility in search engines, like Google,with the goal of getting more organic traffic.SEOis about fulfilling users search needs by creating relevant,high-quality content and providing the best possible user experience.


  • Crawlers and Indexes: Search engines use crawlers (also called spiders or bots) to gather information from the internet and populate their databases (indexes). These crawlers follow links from one page to another, discovering and indexing content.
  • Semantic Relationships: The content of discovered pages and the context of the links help search engines understand what each page is about. Semantic relationships between pages assist search engines in determining which results to show for specific queries.
  • Relevance: Search engines aim to provide relevant results to users. The more links pointing from one type of content to another, the more confident the search engine becomes that the linked-to resource is relevant for certain search queries.
  • Ranking:Based on relevance, search engines rank resources to display the most relevant results when people make queries.

It is the process used to optimise a website’s technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequences, search engines rank them better.

  1. Categories of SEO:
    • On-Page SEO: This involves optimizing individual web pages by improving content quality, using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, and ensuring a positive user experience.
    • Off-Page SEO: It focuses on external factors, such as backlinks from other websites, social media signals, and brand mentions.
    • Technical SEO:This category deals with technical aspects like website speed, mobile friendliness, structured data, and crawlability.


Some of your goals in digital marketing strategy are to increase website traffic and increase conversions to bring in more revenue for your business. SEO can help you achieve all these.

Remember, SEO is essential for ensuring that your digital content can be found and chosen by the public, ultimately increasing your website’s organic traffic.