SEO quack is a free plugin for your browser that provides you with organic search data at the click of a button.Currently compatible with Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome and Opera, SEOquack can provide parameters about the listings on a search engine results page.

SEOquake is a powerful browser extension that provides a wealth of SEO metrics for any webpage you visit. Let’s dive into what it is and how to use it:

  1. What is SEOquake?
    • SEOquake is a free plugin available for browsers like Mozilla FirefoxGoogle Chrome, and Opera.
    • It offers a variety of features to help you analyze and optimize web pages for better search engine performance.
  2. Key Features of SEOquake:
    • SEO Summary (SEObar): Get an instant overview of SEO metrics for the current webpage. You can adjust the interactive SEObar to your preferences or disable it entirely.
    • SEO Dashboard: If you prefer a compact view, the SEO dashboard provides a brief overview of page, domain, and backlink details.
    • Real-time SEO Audit: Diagnose your webpage’s SEO health in real time. Identify and fix optimization issues that impact search engine rankings.
    • Link Examiner: Explore both internal and external links on a page, including URLs, anchor texts, and link types.
    • SERP Overlay: Analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) and export the data in CSV format.
    • Keyword Analysis: Get a detailed report on all keywords found on the page. Visualize data using keyword clouds and apply powerful filters.
    • Export and Print: Save data from any of the reports as a .csv file or print it out.
    • Compare Domains and URLs: Compare multiple domains or URLs for various SEO parameters and export the results into an adjustable report.
  3. How to Install SEOquake:
    • For Chrome: Visit the Chrome web storeand install the extension.
    • For Firefox: Download the extension from the Mozilla Add-on page.
    • For Opera: Install it from the Opera Add-ons store.
  4. Using SEOquake:
    • Once installed, you’ll see the SEOquake icon in your browser toolbar.
    • Click the icon to access various features and explore the metrics for the current page.
    • Customize your settings and preferences to make the most of SEOquake.


Once you have found the page you would like to analyse, click the SEO quack icon and choose the “Diagnosis” tab within the popup. This will then open up a new tab with a “diagnosis” of the page you were on. Titled “page SEO Audit”, the Diagnosis report will audit the page you have navigated to.Follow the below steps:

  • SEO quack
  • Add Crome
  • pin it
  • search targeted keyword
  • cntl+f
  • search website


Remember that while tools like SEOquake provide valuable insights, it’s essential to combine them with your own judgment and experience for effective SEO optimization. Happy Analysing.