What is site speed in Google Analytics?

Site speed in Google Analytics refers to how quickly users are able to see and interact with content on your website. It measures three aspects of latency:

  1. Page-load time: This represents the time it takes for a sample of pageviews on your site to load. You can view this data across different dimensions, such as different browsers or countries, in the Page Timings report.
  2. Execution speed: This refers to the load time of any discrete hit, event, or user interaction that you want to track. For example, it measures how quickly images load or the response time to button clicks. You can find this data in the User Timings report.
  3. Browser parsing time: This measures how quickly the browser parses the document and makes it available for user interaction. No additional configuration is required to see this data; it’s available in the Page Timings report, specifically on the DOM Timings subtabs.

By analyzing site speed data, you can identify areas that need improvement and track the impact of those improvements over time. Google Analytics provides various reports to help you understand and optimize your website’s performance1