301 redirects are permanent, whereas 302 redirects are temporary. A 301 is used when a page has permanently changed location, and a 302 should be used if you intend to move the page back under the original URL in the future.

A 301 redirect indicates that a page has permanently moved to a new location, meanwhile, a 302 redirect says that the page has moved to a new location, but that it is only temporary.

Certainly! Let’s explore the difference between 301 and 302 HTTP status codes:

  1. 301 (Moved Permanently):
    • When a server responds with a 301 status code, it indicates that the requested resource (such as a web page) has been permanently moved to a new location.
    • The client (usually a web browser) should always use the new location from now on.
    • For example, if a website changes its domain or restructures its URLs, it can use a 301 redirect to inform clients that the old URL is no longer valid and provide the new URL.
    • Search engines also recognise 301 redirects and update their indexes accordingly, transferring any link juice(SEO value) to the new location.
  2. 302 (Found or Temporary Redirect):
    • 302 status code indicates that the requested resource is temporarily located elsewhere.
    • The client/browser should continue requesting the original URL because the redirection is not permanent.
    • For instance, if a website is undergoing maintenance or a temporary change, it might use a 302 redirect to point users to an alternative location.
    • Unlike 301,302 does not pass link juice, making it less impactful for SEO purposes.
  3. Remember:
  4. 301 means permanent redirection.
  5. 302 means temporary redirection.


301 means doing permanent redirect from page A to page B. 302 means doing temporary redirect from page A to page B.

Here’s a concise conclusion for 301 and 302 redirections:

  1. 301 (Moved Permanently):
    • Indicates permanent redirection.
    • The requested resource has been moved to a new location.
    • Clients (e.g., web browsers) should always use the new location.
    • Used for scenarios like domain changes or URL restructuring.
    • Passes link juice (SEO value) to the new location.
  2. 302 (Found or Temporary Redirect):
    • Indicates temporary redirection.
    • The requested resource is temporarily located elsewhere.
    • Clients should continue requesting the original URL.
    • Used for temporary situations (e.g., maintenance).
    • Does not pass link juice for SEO purposes.