What is the difference between Clicks and Visits?

“Clicks” and “visits” are terms often used in the context of online marketing and website analytics, but they refer to different metrics:

  1. Clicks:
    • Definition: Clicks represent the number of times a user clicks on your ad or link.
    • Scenario: When a person interacts with your ad, a click is registered and counted as such.
    • Example: If someone clicks on your Google AdWords ad, it’s recorded as a click.
    • Multiple Clicks: A user can click on your ad multiple times within a specific date range (e.g., comparison shopping). AdWords records all these clicks in the same session.
    • AdWords = 2 Clicks, Analytics = 1 Visit (since the session remains active).
  2. Visits:
    • Definition: Visits count the number of unique sessions created by your visitors on your website.
    • Unique Session: A session is essentially a connection between a user and your web server (i.e., your website).
    • Scenario 1 (Multiple Visits): If someone clicks on your ad, closes their browser, and later returns to your site via a bookmark or by manually typing the URL, Analytics records this as two visits.
    • Scenario 2 (Impatient Visitor): If a user clicks on your AdWords ad but leaves before Analytics has enough time to register them as a visitor, AdWords counts the click, but Analytics may not record a visit.

In summary, Clicks focus on ad interactions, while Visits track unique sessions on your website. Understanding these metrics helps optimize your marketing efforts and improve your site’s performance.