What is the difference between GA4 and UA?

Key differences between Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Universal Analytics (UA):

  1. Event Tracking and Setup Process:
    • UA: In Universal Analytics, tracking revolves around hits (pageviews, events, etc.). You set up tracking by adding tracking codes (e.g., UA tags) to your website or app.
    • GA4: GA4 is event-based. Every interaction is captured as an event. You set up GA4 using the gtag command or Google Tag Manager. There’s no distinction between hit types; everything is an event.
  2. Exploration Reports:
    • UA: UA offers standard reports like Audience, Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversion.
    • GA4: GA4 introduces Exploration reports, which allow more flexible exploration of data. You can create custom analyses and visualize insights in different ways.
  3. New Metrics:
    • UA: UA metrics include Pageviews, Sessions, Bounce Rate, etc.
    • GA4: GA4 introduces new metrics like Engagement Rate, Engagement Time, and Active Users. These provide deeper insights into user behavior.
  4. Data Collection:
    • UA: UA collects hits (pageviews, events, etc.) and processes them into reports.
    • GA4: GA4 collects events directly. It’s built with AI-powered solutions for privacy and behavioral modeling.
  5. Customizable Reporting Interface:
    • UA: Reports are fixed and predefined.
    • GA4: GA4 allows more customization. You can create custom events, dimensions, and reports tailored to your needs.

In summary, GA4 offers a more flexible, event-based approach, new metrics, and improved tracking capabilities. It’s designed to adapt to changing user behavior and privacy requirements.