White hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search rankings on a search engine results page(SERP) while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying within the search engines’ terms of service.

White hat SEO refers to search engine optimization practices that align with the guidelines set by search engines like Google. Unlike black hat SEO, which employs tactics that violate these guidelines, white hat SEO focuses on ethical and sustainable strategies. Here are some key points about white hat SEO:

  1. Definition: White hat SEO involves improving a website’s rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) without resorting to spammy or manipulative techniques. It adheres to search engine rules and emphasises quality content and user experience.
  1. Examples of White Hat Optimization:
    • Content Creation: Writing high-quality content for human readers.
    • On-Page Optimization: Optimizing elements like meta tags, headings, and keyword usage.
    • Internal Linking: Using internal links to enhance the site’s structure.
    • Fast Loading Times: Prioritizing website speed.
    • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensuring the site works well on mobile devices.
    • Organic link building:Creating quality content to attract natural backlinks.
  2. Benefits of White Hat SEO:
    • Long-Lasting Rankings: White hat SEO helps achieve top positions on Google, and these rankings are less likely to fluctuate during algorithm updates.
    • Trust and Authority:Following white hat practices builds trust with search engines and establishes authority in your niche.

Some examples of white hat SEO strategies include:

  • Optimising webpages for certain keywords
  • Creating high-quality content
  • Improving the speed of a website
  • Using descriptive meta tags
  • Improving site navigation
  • Making a website easier to use on mobile devices
  • Developing an internal linking strategy
  • Networking to obtain backlinks
  • Engaging on social media


Quality Content

The first and foremost reason of getting a high rank from a particular search engine is relevant and quality content. Offering that to the user can bring more traffic to your website because if the user finds the content according to his or her needs, then it will definitely create a positive feedback which can enhance its SEO ranking thereby gaining more traffic. 

Links and Meta Description

Using appropriate meta description and providing links with the title that are relevant to the content will surely juice up your SEO.

 Alt Tags

Providing Alt tags to the images is another good White hat SEO technique to make the search engine understand what the images are about. Relevant images attracts the user and are a good source of generating traffic and increasing ranking. 

Keyword Research

Researching of what actually people search for and what words do they use is the key. Increase your keywords strength. Don’t just rely on few keywords instead try to make as many keywords as possible for your website. Using relevant keywords similar to the content bucket will increase your SEO score and therefore you should focus on thinking from reader’s point of view and then provide keywords for your page. 


White hat SEO refers to a procedure helpful in improving search rankings of a website on the SERPs. Some people also consider it to be the process of using website optimisation strategies ,techniques, and tactics that are approved by Google.White hat SEO is all about putting your users or audience above everything else.